Paper presentation ‘Sonic speculations: towards an eco-critical listening’
International Conference “The City in Climate Fictions”
Université Gustave Eiffel / I-Site FUTURE
6 May 2021
Poster presentation 'Sonic Passages: Sound as a sensory instrument for urban design'
Urban Sound Symposium 2021
19-21 April 2021
Research seminar 'Création et fictions soniques : ville, territoire, environnement'
PARoles de VIlleS (PARVIS) seminar series 2020-21
Université Gustave Eiffel
5 March 2021
Enacting Traces album on Connex Radio Orange 94.0 Vienna
2 March 2021 @ 10pm CET
Invited talk 'Constructing Behaviour from Physical to Digital: Form, response and playability across sound and sculpture'
Coding Literaciy, Practices and Cultures online colloquium
25 February 2021
'Sonic Passages: Sound as a sensory instrument for adaptable urban design' by David Buck & Eleni-Ira Panourgia
January 2021
Enacting Traces album on Framework radio edition #739
20 December 2020 @ 11pm local time
Paper presentation 'Web-canvas: Creating an online interactive process between sound and image'
Online exhibition of 'Web-canvas'
Seeing Sound Conference 2020
12-13 December 2020
David Buck & Eleni-Ira Panourgia 'Interplay: sonic passages for urban design'
A project by Gascia Ouzounian (University of Oxford / Recomposing the City) and John Bingham-Hall (Theatrum Mundi) funded by The Oxford Research Centre for the Humanities and Theatrum Mundi
7 December 2020
'Surface' soundscape piece
19 November 2020