Eleni-Ira Panourgia


6th January 2021
Sonic Passages in Future Architecture

'Sonic Passages: Sound as a sensory instrument for adaptable urban design' by David Buck & Eleni-Ira Panourgia

Future Architecture

January 2021

20th December 2020
Enacting Traces album on Framework radio edition #739

Enacting Traces album on Framework radio edition #739

Resonance FM London

20 December 2020 @ 11pm local time

12th December 2020
Seeing Sound 2020

Paper presentation 'Web-canvas: Creating an online interactive process between sound and image'

Online exhibition of 'Web-canvas'

Seeing Sound Conference 2020

12-13 December 2020

Event page

7th December 2020
Score publication

David Buck & Eleni-Ira Panourgia 'Interplay: sonic passages for urban design'

Scoring The City

A project by Gascia Ouzounian (University of Oxford / Recomposing the City) and John Bingham-Hall (Theatrum Mundi) funded by The Oxford Research Centre for the Humanities and Theatrum Mundi

7 December 2020

View score

19th November 2020
Track release

'Surface' soundscape piece

Cities and Memory

19 November 2020

Listen to track

1st October 2020
Album release

'Enacting Traces' Album

Melor Records

1 October 2020

Listen to album

1st October 2020
IMMSANE Congress 2020

Moderation of Sound Art Panel, Paper presentation and Performance

International Media Music and Sound Arts Network in Education (IMMSANE) Congress 2020

Zurich University of the Arts, Switzerland

1-3 October 2020

Event page

26th June 2020
Parvis (Paroles des Villes) Research Seminar

La recherche-création en musique

Université Gustave Eiffel, France

26 June 2020

24th June 2020
Fifteenth International Conference on the Arts in Society

Paper presentation 'Sonic Fictions'

15th International Conference on the Arts in Society

NUI Galway, Ireland

24-26 June 2020

Event page

27th April 2020
Article publication

Sculptural sounds: a co-compositional approach

Online publication by RUUKKU - Studies in Artistic Research Journal, issue 13

27 April 2020

Full text